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No, its not more of that...

Poster: "Efenwealt Wystle" <efen@hotmail.com>

Good Gentles,

If you are at Coronation this weekend, please ask me to sing a certain 
song I wrote about a year ago. I call it _Valdemar's Song_ others have 
called it _The Baron and the Minstel of the Hall_.

Of course if there's anything else you want me to sing, I'll do my best 
to do that to. However, if you are Robin-lamp-breaker-Griffaud, you 
don't appreciate art when you hear it.

Thank you, and have a SPLENDID DAY!

More Angevin Trivia:
Who said "Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?"

1. Bryce de Byram
2. Niall Dolphin
3. Robin Griffaud
4. Henry II of England

Lord Efenwealt Wystle (aka Scott F. Vaughan) efen@hotmail.com
Militant Society of Bards
Merchant, Mirth-Maker, Minstrel by trade, and a Fool in my
spare time (Funny, I seem to have an awful lot of spare time.)
Elvegastly, Windmaster, Atlantian

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