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Re: Kazoo Crazy!!

Poster: "Joyce A. Baldwin" <jocetta@ibm.net>

>> What about nose flutes? Someone suggested that but I don't know what they
>> look like or if they require fingering.
>I have a nose flute.  (Aren't you surprised? :-)  It doesn't require 
>fingering, but it does require holding it up to your mouth and nose.  
>I suppose duct tape could substitute for hands.  

At the risk of being accused of heresy I find it amusing to search for a
period instrument and then hold it up with duct tape. "But duct tape is
period... sort of...

What about one of those thingies guitar players use to hold harmonicas?


Lady Jocetta Thrushleigh of Rowansgarth

P.S.  Atlanta U. All-kazoo band!  Cool! Anyone want to talk to Mistress

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