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Only a week away...

Poster: "Robin A Jensen" <griffaud@hearts.tez.net>

"I love the pleasent Fall, the season of the Hunt,
and I love the joyous sound of the birds,
re-echoing through the woods of falling leaves.
But also I love to see, amidst the meadows, tents and pavillions spread;
it gives me great joy to see, drawn up on the field,
knights and horses in battle array.
And it delights me when the skirmishers scatter people and herds in their
and I love to see them followed by a great body of men-at-arms; and my
heart is filled with gladness 
when I see srong castles besieged, and the stockades broken and overrun,
and the defender on the mound enclosed by ditches all around and protected
by strong palisades.
 And I like to see the Lord who is foremost in the attack, mounted, armed,
and fearless, for thus he inspires his men to serve him boldly. And then
when battle's joined everyone will follow him with a good courage, for no
man wins respect until he has given and taken many a good blow.
Maces and swords, helms of different hues, shields that will be riven and
shattered as soon as the fight begins; many vassals clashing together until
the steeds of the dead and wounded run aimlessly about the field.
And once he has entered the fray let each man of high birth think of
nothing but the breaking of heads and arms; for it is better to die than be
vanquished.A dead victor is worth far more to me than a live loser!
 I tell you this, I find no such pleasure in food, or drink, or sleep as in
hearing the shouts of "AT THEM! AT THEM!" on both sides, and the neigh of
horses that have lost their riders, and the cries of "HELP! RESCUE!"; in
seeing men great and small go down on the grass by the ditches; and in
seeing the dead, with the pennoned stumps of lances in their ribs.
Lords, pawn your castles, your cities, and your towns before you stop
making war!
 Jongleur, take this song to my Lord, King "Yes and No"
and tell him hat he has made peace TOO LONG!!!!
-Bertran de Born,12c
Angevin Fall Hunt Fact:
There will be a 12c Trivia Contest, with a prize of a gift certifigate to
Borders Books and Music, which would explain all of the trivia questions
i've been sending you :-}! Speaking of which...

Angevin Trivia:
Who said, "That if everyone else abandon the King, do you know what I would
do? I would carry him on my shoulders, step by step, from island to island,
country to country..."
A. Guilliame des Barres
B. William Marshall
C. William de Tancerville
D. Simon de Monfort
E. Forgal Kersetter
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