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Fw: 12c Trivia

Poster: "Robin A Jensen" <griffaud@hearts.tez.net>

> From: Robin A Jensen <griffaud@hearts.tez.net>
> To: majordomo@atlantia.sca.org
> Subject: 12c Trivia 
> Date: Sunday, September 28, 1997 9:18 AM
> Friends,
> 	Here is the 12c trivia contest from last weekend's Angevin Fall Hunt, in
> it's complete form.I'll post the answers next week. My thanks to all who
> attended, I hope you had a good time. I'll post Lost and Found as soon as
> unpack... :-)
> Bryce de Byram, Master of the Hunt
> 1. name the three Angevin kings of England.
> 2. 15c surname of the decendants of Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, taken from
> the badge he would wear in his cap:
> 3. Name four lands (counties, duchies, etc.) from the Angevin Empire.
> 4. Northern Counterparts of the troubadours:
> 5. "I am of a rank that recognizes no superior but God!" was said by:
> A. John
> B. Richard
> C. John
> D. William Marshall
> E. Phillip Augustus
> F. Micheal of Bedford
> 6. "If I could have found a buyer I would have sold London itself!" was
> said by:
> A. John
> B. Henry
> C. Richard
> D. Louis the Fat
> E. Count Guido
> 7. King with the surname "Couer de lion"
> 8.King with the surname "curtmantel"
> 9. Former chancellor of England, Archbishop, and Saint:
> 10. "Look to yourself, the devil is loose!", was said by:
> A. Duke Leopold to Emeror Fredrick
> B. Saladin to Richard
> C. Phillip to John
> D. Beckrt to William Marshall
> E. Cuan to Corby
> 11. Landless knight who rose to be Regent of England, and Earl of
> 12. 12c French company/ household of knights:
> A. tourney
> B. mesnie
> C. companiee
> D. mob
> E. brute squad
> 13. Name two Troubadours/ trouveres:
> 14. Wife of two kings, mother of two Kings,  grandmother of two kings:
> 15. Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" was said by:
> A. Thomas Becket
> B. Henry II
> C. Edward Longshanks
> D. Henry III
> E. Henry Best
> 16. Signed the Magna Carter:
> A. Eleanor
> B. William Marshall
> C. Richard
> D. John
> E. Galmir
> 17. Chateau Gaillard means:
> 18. Who wrote "Je nus hons Pris..."(I am a prisoner...)
> 19. Richard I's ransom was ______ times the national  yearly gross
> of England:
> A. 1
> B. 1/2
> C. 2
> D. 3
> E. 4
> 20. 12c leader of the muslim world:
> A. Saladin
> B. Muhamide Ali
> C. Herod
> D. Raba-a-Zafar
> 21. "______" the Young King.
> 22. Count of Brittany, brother of Richard and John, killed in a tourney,
> _______ .
> 23. Island Kingdom won by Richard on Crusade and sold to the Templars:
> 24. Who said, " That if everyone else abandon the King, do you know what
> would do? I would carry him on my shoulders, step by step, from island to
> island, country to country..."
> A. Guilliame des Barres
> B. William Marshall
> C. Wiliam de Tancerville
> D. Simon de Montfort
> E. Forgal Kersetter
> 25. The "new knights of Christ" :
> Extra Credit:
> 1. Name a female troubadour.
> 2. Who said, " I give my daughter Pride to the Knights Templar, my
> Avarice to the Cistercians, and my daughter Sensuality to the princes of
> the Church!"
> 3. Abbot of Clairvaux, Saint ________ .
> 4. Name Henry II's mother and father.
> 5. Ducal Seat of Normandy:
> A.Caen
> B. Saintes
> C. Rouen
> D. Calais
> E. Windmaster's Hill
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