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Re: Boars' Forest Demo

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

At 20:10 10/6/97 -0400, LWright740@aol.com wrote:
>Poster: LWright740@aol.com
>Come Help The Shire of Boars’ Forest Celebrate the opening of the Scotland
>County Castle.  Sunday October 19th.
>Earlier this summer we had a demo, in Laurinburg, 

It's been said before, but it bears repeating.

Folks, when you post things like this to a kingdom-wide net pleasepleasePLEASE
put something (like a state name) to indicate WHERE this event/demo/party
is being held.  "Laurinburg" tells us non-locals nothing.  I would _guess_
that it's somewhere down by Windmaster's Hill...

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