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Re: Caesar's Census

Poster: Martha Wallenhorst <annejke@gte.net>

Travis Brandel wrote:
> Poster: Travis Brandel <travis@freedomnet.com>
> Ed Hopkins wrote:
> >
> > Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
> >
> > > Does anyone know the origin of the term "Domesday list" or
> > > "Doemsday book?" I always thought it was a reference to the
> > > list Augustus Caesar commanded to be made in the Bible
> > > (Luke2:1-3); am i correct, or is there another reference?
> >
> > Does any primary source from the Roman Empire mention that
> > census?
> >  Possibly..hafta check my timelines, but i know that William the
> Conquerer had a Domesday ( or Doomsday ) book compiled so as to know
> what he actually owned and what wealth he had for management of realm .
> It contained pertinant information about anything of value contained in
> Williams new kingdom, including likestock and other consumables.
> At least, thats what I learned in school...hooray public education! hehe
> Balynar

Yes, you are correct about the Doomsday book.  If you would like to see a 
copy of what it recorded I have reprint of it.

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