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Re: Pennsic Sobriquets

Poster: Suzanne Metzler <0002152178@MCIMAIL.COM>

The year of the harmonic convergence (or harmonica virgins) was 1986 or Pennsic XV.  I was
in Galstonbury, England one week after they had their official festival
for it and it was the year I started law school....

Sue Metzler/Tehair

Date:     Wed Nov 05, 1997 08:59 am EST
Source-Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 08:51:42 -0500
From:     Heather Swann
          EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
          MBX: swannh@psi.com
TO:       atlantia
          EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
          MBX: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
BCC:    * Suzanne Metzler / MCI ID: 215-2178
Subject:  Pennsic Sobriquets
Message-Id: 97110513592642/INTERNETGWDN1IG
Source-Msg-Id: <>
U-X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32)
U-X-Organization: The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
U-X-Sender: swannh@p3.herndon.psi.com
U-Precedence: bulk

Poster: Heather Swann <swannh@psi.com>

Hello, All!  I'm just sitting here at work trying to think of the names of
the various Pennsics.....can anyone help fill this in?  There have been so
many, they all run together in my memory....


With everyone's help, I've filled in some more....which was the one where
the military folks had to leave for Desert Storm?

One of the early ones was The King who Declared War on Himself . . .  and
Lost!  Which one was that?

IV...Pennsic Pour
V....Battle Of The Wilderness
VI...Pennsic Comes to  Cooper's Lake
VIII...Pennsic Puddle
XI...Runestone on Runestone Hill
XII...The Mighty Wind
XIII...Taxman Cometh/Plague Year
XVII....Harmonica Virgins (or harmonic convergence if you want the real
name)/Fall of the Evil Empire
XVIII....Dragon Ate the Moon
XXI.....Pennsic Comes of Age
XXII....[Pennsic Park?  ("Jurassic Park" the same year?)]
XXIII...Mud War/ A River Runs Through It
XXIV.....Hot War
XXV....Cheap Gold Watch
XXVI...Lightning Pennsic (struck the tree opposite the Cooper's)

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