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Re: delinquent reports and power-tripping officers

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  Yes, in fact the MoAS might be a completely useless office as far as
  bureaucratics are concerned.  However, let me remind you that this is a
  non-profit EDUCATIONAL organization.  If the MoAS is too busy doing A&S
  to report about A&S, I have nothing to report to corporate as I do not
  know what's going on in the world; and, the SCA loses the paper trail
  that shows it's an educational org.  

You might find a very long-worded, legalistic counter-argument on the SCA
web pages.  I don't think that those reports are as vital as you may think.

Specifically: the SCA does not actually have to fulfill it's tax exempt
purposes, as long as it doesn't do anything outside of those purposes.  And,
the findings in that document are that self-education is sufficient, which
we do not necessarily need to document with A&S reports.

A&S Reports may have their uses: but they aren't vital to the status of the
SCA, and, unlike Exchequer reports, their lack will not harm our tax

	Tibor (http://www.sca.org/BOD/tax.html)
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