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Re: TI Editor's Letter
Poster: Julien de Montfort <julien@spiaggia.org>
> While you do have a point about that, I think the real issue is about
> appropriateness. The TI editor's page is not an appropriate forum for the
> editor to tell cute stories about her child, no matter how cute the
> stories may be. In an editorial, one expects to hear the editor
Actually, the deal of whether or not the Editor puts her charmingly
sweet stories about her children in the Editor's Page doesn't make
much difference to me one way or the other. However, just to throw in
an opposing view, it always struck me that as the editor, you could
say what you wanted to on an editor's page -- it was kind of like the
little perk you get with the job. True, usually it deals with issues
relevent, but really, does it make any difference? If she posted an
article there on her editor's page that was relevant to the Society at
large, would it carry more weight than say, any of the letters
reprinted in the feedback section? I'd say not.
Seigneur Julien de Montfort "Pean, un amphora et
Ministre de Toille un caid palissade argent"
Canton de Spiaggia Levantina julien@spiaggia.org
de le Baronnie des Coteaux Brillants http://www.spiaggia.org
"Solum dice nullus sunt suficio"
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