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catapult standards

Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU

On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, Efenwealt Wystle wrote:

> I heard tale of an SCA siege-weapon mailing list. Anyone have info? 
> Anyone know where I can find standards for Catapults?
> efen

Now, I'm not catapult expert, but I believe that any standard would
suffice as long as you could find a way to adaquately attatch it to the
catapult.  Most standards are already on faily long posts, and (although
it would not be period), I think a PVC sheath bolted to the side beam of
the catapult would serve as sufficient support for the standard.  Of
course, most standards are fairly large, and you would want to make sure
that the standard would not interfere with the accuracy of the catapult,
so placement is very important.  On this issue I think I would defer to a
seige weapon specialist.
(sorry, I couldn't resist... but I tried soooo hard)

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