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Re: Reposting and Riposting

Poster: "H L. Falls" <hlf@holmes.acc.virginia.edu>

(Hoping I'm not boring a lot of folks who aren't interested in one obscure
Old Norse word... :)

> Poster: James and/or Nancy Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>
> <snip...>
> I don't have an atlas handy to check, but aren't all those glaciers up in
> Iceland named "Something-or-other-jokull" (with, I think, a slash through
> the "o")?
> Alasdair mac Iain

   Real close -- going back to the OED entry, lists "jokull" (with two
dots over the "o") as modern Icelandic for "glacier".  (and jokul with
a slash through the "o" is one dialect varient of Norwegian for "icicle",
just for completeness' sake... :)

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