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Re: In Search of Patterns (fwd)

Poster: Debbie Halstead <djh3a@onyx.pvcc.cc.va.us>

A bit late, but Sam's message was informed enough to forward along anyway.


From: Samantha Francis <zammis@hotmail.com>

Actually, the "new company" is simply some of the people from Medieval 
Miscellanea doing a new company. I think the name is Past Patterns, but 
they have very limited patterns right now- basic peasant stuff, an early 
tudor set of patterns, and a cavalier set of patterns. G street Fabrics 
in Centreville, VA and Rockville, MD carries them. 
The other company they were selling was Queta's closet. My mom used one 
of their patterns recently for my wedding and really liked it. They're 
based out of Florida. I haven't seen them at G street, but I have seen 
some of them in the ALter Years Catalog.

A good source for patterns, if you can't get to G street, is the 
AlterYears catalog. They're based out of Pasadena, CA. I can give you 
the address, etc. The patterns are pricier than at G street, but it may 
be better if you can't get to G street yourself.

>At the VA Ren. Fest this past year I saw a merchant selling patterns.  
>had Medieval Misc. (which I am familiar with) but they also had another
>company's patterns.  These patterns were cheaper, simpler, and I 
believe came
>from a company in Northern VA.  Does anyone know of a way that I can 
>this company to get a catalog?  Or does anyone know where I can find 
>patterns?  It would be most appreciated!
>Rowen ferch Rhys (who finally made contact with Dun Carraig!)
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