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[Fwd: [EK] [fwd] Trebuchet plans, etc.]

Poster: Brian Matthews <wilthain@handy-man.com>

James and/or Nancy Gilly wrote:

> -Poster: James and/or Nancy Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>
> >From: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>
> >To: windmasters@trinet.com, atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> >Subject: Trebuchet plans, etc.
> >Date: Fri, 7 Nov 97 01:23:02 +0000
> >
> >
> >Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>
> >
> >For those rabid deconstructionists:
> >
> >The December 1997 issue of American Woodworker (#63) 1-800-666-3111
> >contains an article called Trebuchet! by Russell Miners, a member of
> >the Grey Company, an Australian Reenactor Group very much interested
> >in such things ( http://www.iinet.net.au/~rmine/gctrebs.html ).
> >The plans look good and it is attractively finished.
> >This is about table sized, but the designer claims it will throw a
> >stone about 70 feet. Perfect for those back of the feast hall
> >targets (or those front of the feast hall ones). Can you say kumquat?
> >
> >A bonus here is that there are also plans for a bow saw in the same
> >issue. Just the thing to build all that medieval furniture you've
> >been meaning to build.
> >
> >----------------------
> >While we're at it:
> >
> >Currently Edward R. Hamilton, Falls Village, CT 06031-5000, no phone
> >or credit cards, is offering the following titles for bargain prices:
> >
> >#218057 Constructing Medieval Furniture by Daniel Diehl @ $13.96
> > plus $3 shipping for any quantity. (usually $19.95)
> >
> >##891339 The Art of Blacksmithing by Alex Bealer for $9.95 plus $3
> > for any quantity of books, including the above. Personal checks or
> > money orders only accepted. Business only through the mail. Try
> > http://www.hamiltonbook.com to browse weblisted titles (not complete).
> >
> >M. Magnus Malleus, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia and the GDHorde
> >
> >(permission to repost anywhere in the SCA OFF the Rialto granted)
> -----------------------------
> James and/or Nancy Gilly
> katiemorag@worldnet.att.net
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"We are born naked,wet,and hungry...then things get worse" Anon.
                             In service.....
                            Wilthain Westbram
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