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Re: [Fwd: [Mid] How Talymar gave Ealdoremere back its name]

Poster: pwp@cs.cmu.edu

Wilthain Westbram prefeces an "interesting" story with:

< Thought this a story worthy of being shared ..... any more out there like it?

I'm sure that there are many such stories.  But I'd rather not hear
obviously one-sided tales of old-time politics from other kingdoms.

(Here's a hint: I was _there_ for some of the tale H.G. Garlanda told.
We were both fairly new to the society, and neither of us were
"players" in this drama.  I'm _sure_ that I don't know all the facts
on this.  And frankly, it was long enough ago (circa a.s. XX) that it
no longer matters.)

		  (now of BMDL, AEthelmearc)
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