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The Rumor about Triton

Poster: "Beverly Robinson-Curry" <corvus2@worldnet.att.net>

It has come to my attention, that the most recent issue of the Baelfire
Dunn newsletter announces that I am stepping down as Triton.  

Since this newsletter has wide distribution throughout the kingdom, I felt
it might be best to post that this information is incorrect.  Either
someone has become confused about the fact that I am soliciting
applications for a deputy or that the submissions herald is changing and
Lord Evan will be taking over that position.  I suspect the latter, as the
blurb goes on to say that my resignation will affect submissions.  

So, to summarize:

1.  I am not resigning my position at this time and currently plan to
fulfill my full term of office, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
2.  Despite the changeover of ANY heraldic office, submissions will still
be handled in a timely, efficient manner and the registration of
submissions in the SCA will continue, no matter who is in office in

I have also been asked to advise that this information did not come from
the Baelfire Dunn herald...  ;-)

Sorry this wasn't a more entertaining rumor, but at least it was easy to
clear up...  

Lady Rhiannon ui Neill
Triton Principal Herald
House Corvus, Sacred Stone

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