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Poster: Kevin of Thornbury <kevin@maxson.com>
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Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 12:12:25 EST
From: Otterspur <Otterspur@aol.com>
To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Re: What's the story ? ....
In a message dated 97-12-09 02:34:12 EST, you write:
<< To finish off on Dafydd reply, the leek flower was worn in
Wales in
memory of St. David. As Dafydd said, the leek (meaning the flower)
been long associated with Wales, just as the Iris has long been
associated with France (fluer de lys). The leek flower is similar to
the daffodil. Same botanical family, I believe. I'll get Di to
comment >>
Having never seen a leek flower, I cannot comment on its similarity to
a daffodil, however, other flowers of genus Allium (to which leeks
along with garlic, onions, etc.) that I've seen don't look much like
those of genus Narcissus (to which daffodils belong).
HOWEVER, one place I'm SURE that leeks and daffodils are easily confused
is in the Welsh language where Cenhinen=leek and Cenhinen Pedr
(literally Peter's leek)=daffodil. Some folks wear daffodils instead
of leeks on St. David's, and both plants are associated with Wales
now, possibly a result of linguistic confusion :^) (Sure and daffodils
flower right at the crack of spring, nearer March 1, and they smell
better ;^)
One of the stories I've been told regarding the leek's status as Welsh
national symbol has St. David advising some Welsh warriors to
wear leeks prominently in their caps during a battle that was
to follow against some Saxons so that it would be easier to tell
friend from foe. This was supposedly also done by Welsh archers
at Agincourt (which legend is supported by some of Fluellen's lines
in Shakespeare's _Henry V_).
branwynn ottersby
who thinks some nice leek soup would taste pretty good right now
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