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Re: Stierbach and their Cows
Poster: luther@agent.infodata.com (Luther, Alaric)
On 11 Dec 97 at 17:51, Izofgold wrote:
> Unto all of Atlantia doth Gwyneth MacDonagh send warmest greetings!
> Firstly, many thanks to their RM for the AoA I received at Dun Carrig.
> (Forgive Spelling). Secondly, congrats to the newly founded Barony of
> Stierbach and her inahbatants. The display of the alms (Bribes?) at the
> aforementioned event was truely a fantastic sight! And to whomever made those
> wonderful cowchips a happy vivant! You have a rough and joyous road ahead of
> you, and many many friends out there who will help if needed (but we all know
> that you don't)!
> Again, congrats!
> Ldy. Gwyneth MacDonagh
Lady Gwyneth,
On behalf of Stierbach let me be the first to thank you for the kind
words. Please, join us for a time on our joyous road at our
elevation on the 21st of February!
See our website for full details!
In Service,
Lord Alaric Luther
Deputy Seneschal of Stierbach
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