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Latest Update on HRH Prince Jafar of the MidRealm
Poster: henderson@infodata.com (Henderson, Sharon)
Gentle Cousins,
Here is the latest word as of last night concerning the condition of HRH
Prince Jafar of the Midrealm. The latest news is good and getting
better! There is a web site is at:
In Service & with prayers,
Meli ferch Iasper ap Dafydd
------------------Forwarded Message Follows-----------
Greetings All,
Exciting news!!!!!!
The doctors have stopped the paralytic drugs as well as the
sedation drugs.
This means that His Highness should be waking up soon. How soon is
a matter
of some uncertainty. It could be as early as tomorrow or sometime
over the
weekend. It will take time for him to clear all the drugs out of
system. They have also deactivated the chest tubes. They have not
them out just in case they are needed again.
The ultrasound from the other day did not show anything out of the
ordinary. His blood toxin levels were such they did not feel the
need to do
dialysis today. This may be an indication that the kidneys are
better but it is still to early to know for sure.
Of course anytime Jafar takes a couple of steps forward, He has to
take one
or two back. The oxygen intake % has been rising. The doctors
that as he regains muscle motion, he needs a higher concentration
of oxygen
until his body gets used to functioning for itself again. Also he
is having
a hard time adjusting to the ventilator. If he cannot get into sync
the ventilator, they put him back on heavy sedation.
As exciting as all this is, We feel the need to point out that none
of this
means that His Highness will be up and walking, much less fighting
soon. So please do not get over anxious about seeing him at an
event or having him make calls. There is still a lot of healing
that needs
to go on.
In Service,
TRM Palymar and Aislinn
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