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Forsoothly Speaking[Was Re: operation renaissaince....

Poster: Gramtera@aol.com

My lords and ladies, 
   Perhaps it is not staying 'in persona'. How can you be in persona if you a
are a 14th century english girl speaking to a Celt, a Russian, a Spaniard, or
a Middle-Easterner? No one should expect you to speak fluent german or
russian even if your persona is from one of those countries, though it is a
nice touch.  As a previous poster on the subject said

   <xboss can easily become 'overlord and car can easily become wagonx>

     This is true, just as the not completly OOP "Wanna go for a walk?" can
become "Mi'lady, wouldst thou (or even just 'would you') do me the honor of
accompanying me to the feast hall?" or "How's your mom?" can become "How
fares your lady mother?"
     Two of the things that attracted me to the SCA were the ideas of
forsooth speaking and of showing especial respect to the ladies. (Although
the latter may just be me getting sick of being around impolite 12-13-14 year
old boys all the time). I have met a few chivalrous fellows who are just
wonderful at forsoothly speaking to the ladies and placing them on a
pedestal. I have met still others, who, instead of walking over and asking a
lady to dance in a forsooth manner (kneeling is a nice touch), will yell
across the hall "Hey you! In the red dress, we're short one lady, Come on!"
Which, though it is not intended in a rude way at all, is not exactly
     Of course, being a lady of a certain kind, I am partial to chivalry,
though some others may find it a chore (or a bore), and I am rather flattered
and impressed when a lord comes over and acts chivalrous.

Cecely of Wivenhoe

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