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Lilies War XII

Poster: Chris Mina <cmina@gvi.net>

        Lilies War XII
        Mon, 29 Dec 1997 20:55:28 -0600
        Chris Mina <cmina@gvi.net>

Greetings from the Autocrats of Lilies War XII!

We are excited to announce that the theme for this year's Lilies War

During the 8th through the 12th Centuries the Norse, Danes, Swedes, and
other northern peoples went Viking, traveling throughout the western
world raiding, trading, and settling. They met the Irish, English,
Scots, Britons, Franks, Romans, Spanish, Moors, Byzantines, even
Russians. We are planning numerous activities incorporating this theme
into the war, such as boat battles, raids, Viking games, axe-throwing,
and demonstrations of Viking era arts ans sciences.

We are asking that fighters and archers form units to represent the
various tribes, clans, and nationalities involved in these conflicts,
and then that the unit commanders for the two sides select overall
commanders from amongst themselves. We would appreciate if the units
would contact us so that we may make a list of the units forming.

TROLL BOOTH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: This year we are asking Baronies, Shires,
Cantons, Orders, Guilds and other groups to volunteer to staff the Troll
Booth for a day. Two or more groups may work together to cover a day.
Each group should select a day coordinator to develope their schedule
and train their people. For more information or to choose a day, contact
the Troll Coordinators: Lady Rigela la Placida / Nancy Belcher / 1010 N.
6th , Independence, KS 67301, 316-331-8230, belchfam@horizon.hit.net OR
Lady Thyri Haraldsdottir / Maria Poore / 113 Hillcrest Dr., O'Fallon, IL
62269, 618-624-3530, kirkpoor@basenet.net

ARTS & SCIENCES COMPETITIONS: The war will be sponsoring several A&S
competitions, which will affect the War Points.
        Most Period Encampment
        Most Period Merchant Booth
        Made-on-site A&S Article
        Best Viking Theme A&S Project
        From the Ground Up A&S
        Best Heraldic Display
Others may be added later, but this will give you some ideas to begin
working on. For more details on or to sponsor an A&S competition,
contact Mistress Juelda of Salisbury / Joy Hanson / 1704 W. 24th St.
Apt. 211, Lawrence, KS 66046, 785-331-0676, jrhanson@juno.com

To enquire or volunteer to teach RUSH classes, contact Lady Gillian
Esmond of Dragons Ley / MaryAnn Goodhue / 114 Hillside Drive, Bellevue,
NE 68005, 402-292-6795, Gillianesm@aol.com

CROWN TOURNAMENT: Their Highnesses have announced that They will hold
Their Crown Tournament on the first Saturday of Lilies, June 13th.
The tournament will be held late in the afternoon to allow time for
setting up camps. To accomodate this, the site will open at 3:00 p.m. on
Friday, June 12th.

IDEAS, SUGGESTIONS, VOLUNTEERS: We want to hear from you. If you are
interested in sponsoring a tournament, archery activity, A&S activity,
childrens activity, party, or anything else, please contact us so we can
add you to our schedule.

In service to Calontir and Lilies War,

Shajar, Johanna, Susannah

Princess Susannah / Susan Jackson / 9817 Hollingsworth Rd., Kansas City,
KS 66109, 913-334-2098 / Susan@mail.idinet.com OR valens@gvi.net

Baroness Johanna / Jo Schierbaum / 1501 Jules, St. Joseph, MO 64501,
816-279-7724 / stonhavn@ccp.com

Countess Shajar / Michelle Mina / P.O. Box 12611, Kansas City, KS 66112
913-788-2578 / cmina@gvi.net
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