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Re: Upcoming exhibit at the Met
Poster: "Rowanwald Central" <rownwald@gte.net>
| From: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
|| >At this URL--http://www.clemusart.com/exhibit/silk/index.html--is an
| >announcement for an upcoming textile exhibition:
| >
| >Central Asian and Chinese Textiles in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
One of the really cool points about this particular exhibit is that the
director in charge of it is a SCAdian... for those who know him, please
congratulate Lord John Littleton (eastern bard extrodiare) for a job well
done... the logistics of revamping their wing of the Museum, then storing,
arranging and displaying this beautiful pieces was a logistical nightmare.
You probably won't see him at the museum, but be sure to say a word at
mightly impressed,
Rosine of Rowanwald
"Always give her her own desk - and keep your hands off!" - RH Heinlein
Rowanwald Central
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