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Northern pricipality

Poster: "duane moore" <brycedebyram@hotmail.com>

Here's one view, 
See you all at the next meeting,
Bryce de Byram

A Sirventes for the North

Old Coeur Noir's time draws near,
and the winds of change blow Northernly.
Rumblings resonate across the land,
carried waves as messanger
speak of "when's" not "if's."

A house would be divided,
and friends brought to blows
if like Solomen,
we half the child,
to appease the parents.

I sit by the James
with breath baited;
saddened to see
the player with vested hand,
only too quick to withdraw.

For when thrones and powers unchecked stand
promised as visitors at the door;
It is easy to see why
some would rather hold a empty field,
than cower underneath a Lion.

But let not the craftsman labor
without the arrow-strait guidance of a Master.
Let not the South's fertile fields wither 
without the healing touch
of drops of rain.

And fighting men lack the example, 
the prowess and skill
of teachers girded round with glory;
of Houses of method, of chivalry
numbered and chained.

For as each bee works
for the hive's gain;
So do the good works
of scores of loyal northern subjects
flow sweetly for Atlantia's harvest.

I swear by the Moon,
the Cross and Lily,
that we shall see Stonewalls broken
and Hallowed Rocks and Hills leveled
by the quiet fury of this storm.

Friend, send out this song to our King,
and to the silent hands that move beneath the groaning board;
that I see naught but grief
for the father that sunders his land
for the inheritance of a prodigal son.

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Laus prae Lucro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bryce de Byram, G.O.A.,A.o.A., Comp. of the Pearl, Silver Nautilaus, 
Shark's Tooth, Undine,King's award of Excellance, Company of the 
Banner,Twice Atlantian Royal Bard, First Warlord of Caer 
Mear,cornet-at-large, M.S.o.B. Journeyman,Squire to His grace, Duke 
Anton Tremayne,Seneschal of The Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia, and all 
around nice guy....

or Duane Moore: brycedebyram@hotmail.com

sometimes known as Byton Tremayne, the Black-Bard...

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