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On disarming to go into court

Poster: JebRaitt1@aol.com

These are related to the "courtesy question" of disarming to go into Court.
When I received my AoA in A. S. X, it was the custom in the East to disarm.  

I was called forth, and rose and began to release the "peace strap" that was
then required  for live steel.  Having done so, I had the sword about halfway
out of its scabbard when the King thundered. "We Give You Leave to remain
armed before us . . . we consider you worthy!"

Flattered, I slid the sword back into the scabbard and went into Court . . .
and received my AoA.  

Several years later, when Atlantia was a Principality, two gentles were called
forward before Court began, to give a brief "courtesy class".  One of the
instructions given was to disarm before entering the "presence".

I was called into the Court that followed, and though carrying no blades, I
paused before entering the "presence" and removed two writing instruments from
my pouch.  These I placed on the floor with the sotto voce remark that "The
pen is mightier", and entered court amidst general amusement.
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