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Atlantian Archery Champion Tourney

Poster: Lorenzo <detoma@erols.com>

Forwarded per request from Sir Tnek. My apologies if some of you have
received this already.

>From: WHITEGRIFN@aol.com
>Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:32:00 EST
>To: angelina@visi.net, moejeep@juno.com, LadyAE@aol.com, Brighid@vm.sc.edu,
>        psherril@erols.com, jbradley@sn1.cvm.ncsu.edu,
>        katiemorag@worldnet.att.net, arrow@hickory.net, shaman2@mindspring.com,
>        rwp@par1.net, barnabas@charweb.org, bernard.brawner@langley.af.mil,
>        NCTortoise@aol.com, rtrigg@hoflink.com, VincentL@worldnet.att.net,
>        Gramtera@aol.com, snowhawk007@hotmail.com, addudde@beast.toad.net,
>        whitey@his.com, eldred@concentric.net, elspeth@ipass.net,
>        eogan@ipass.net, Halic@aol.com, alexandr@ncifcrf.gov, Izofgold@aol.com,
>        kmartins@email.unc.edu, IroadkillI@aol.com, rjwelenc@erols.com,
>        robmay@erols.com, blackbow@sprynet.com, paladin@pilot.infi.net,
>        km3837a@american.edu, edeblack@idt.net, lovelace@acm.org,
>        kjacobs@lowcountry.com, lorenzo@intelsat.int,
>        Silver.crown@ravenwood.com, DragonBow@aol.com, maculloch@hotmail.com,
>        scott_dean@ncsu.edu, scholten@southconn.com, wfworkshop@earthlink.net,
>        Pegasus321@aol.com, Meli@agent.infodata.com, BTRC@aol.com,
>        l-glapointe@msn.com, tirydon@visi.net, syrq@widowmaker.com,
>        baronreynard@juno.com, bobalink@southconn.com, bjamann@erols.net,
>        ramann@dcmds.dla.mil, runewald@juno.com, Rgaddy@Newberry.edu,
>        LYKEN69@aol.com, julien@spiaggia.org, sigridkitty@juno.com,
>        viking@groupz.net, PDRUSS@aol.com, TemurKhan@aol.com,
>        tessathehuntress@juno.com, greytom@juno.com, koreilly@erols.com,
>        cordanjr@sys14.cs.jmu.edu, gottfrie@acca.nmsu.edu, wulfric@visi.net,
>        zita@ipass.net, eedelman@netside.com, nancyad@mindspring.com,
>        debbiewil@juno.com, bglassford@mindspring.com, gcjckc@erols.com,
>        jtrigg@hoflink.com, kofryna@geocities.com, lbudzier@juno.com,
>        Longbow55@aol.com, mchug@mindspring.com, 110303.2227@compuserv.com,
>        ugh@visi.net, YY4U@smart.net, gunther@visi.net
>Subject: Atlantian Archery Champion Tourney
>Greetings from Sir Tnek the Ainissestor, King's Archer Champion,
>For those of you who received my earlier announcement, the following contains
>some additional information.
>All archers in Atlantia are invited to compete in an Archery Tournament to
>determine the Archery Champion of Atlantia.  The shoot will be held at 1 PM
>(subject to change) on Saturday , March 21st at the Coronation of TRH Michael
>and Seonaid.  I have learned that the site being used for Coronation (Pipsico
>Scout Reservation) will not permit the use of crossbows, and therefor they
>must be excluded from this competition.  All other equipment which qualifies
>for open division Royal Rounds or IKAC will be allowed.  The format for the
>shoot will not be revealed before hand.  The archery range is fairly small and
>it is unlikely that there will be any distances greater than 40 yards. (There
>will definitely be some distances shorter than that.)  You will need at least
>6 arrows and 8 to 10 are recommended in case some are lost or broken.  If you
>have any other questions you can contact me by e-mail at WHITEGRIFN@AOL.COM or
>by phone at (757)838-5992.  If you know of any archers not addressed above,
>please pass this information to them.
>For those of you who responded to my previous mailing, I thank you.  For those
>of you who have not, please read on:
>I am also trying to compile a roster of all Atlantian archers, and a directory
>of those with e-mail.  Please let me know whether you would like to be
>included in this directory (especially if you were not a first hand recipient
>of this mailing).  Please include any information you would not mind having in
>the directory (Names, awards, group, address, phone, interests (target and/or
>In service to Atlantia, Tnek.

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