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Call for René!Comments : To: 101610.2720@compuserve.com

Poster: Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>

For the benefit of any fighters who may be planning to visit Europe in July....

Alasdair mac Iain

>Date:         Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:42:22 +0100
>From: Jan Frelin <jan.frelin@WINEASY.SE>
>Subject:      Call for René!Comments: To: 101610.2720@compuserve.com
>To: Multiple recipients of list DW-L <DW-L@HOLDING.PI.NET>

>Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye
>Let all princes, lords, barons, knights and squires of the marches of
>Nordmark, Knights Crossing,
>Drei Eichen, Aarnimetsä, Vielburgen first of shires, and Insula Draconis,
>Polder Slot, Frostheim and                          Ad Flumen Caerulum,
>Infimus Mons Aureus and Fief du Saint Chreme, and also Aros, and all others
>of           whatever marches that are in this kingdom and all other
>Christian kingdoms, who are not banished or                enemies of the
>king our lord, may God save him, know that on seventh day of July, in Hörrs
>Nygård in the          fair shire of Attemark, there will be a very great
>festival of arms and a very noble tourney with maces           of one
>measure and rebated swords, in appropriate armor, with crests, coats of
>arms and horses covered      with the arms of the noble tourneyers, as is
>the ancient custom;
>Of which tourney the captains are the very noble and powerful princes and
>my very redoubted lords Earl Morgan de Grey appellant and Duke Elfinn
>O´Mona defendant;
>And to make this better known, all princes, lords, barons, knights and
>squires of the above marches, and others from whatsoever nations they are,
>not banished or enemies of the king, our lord, who wish to tourney to
>acquire honor, may carry these little shields that will be given out
>presently, so that everyone may know who are the tourneyers. And anyone can
>have them who wants: the little shields are quartered with the arms of the
>four knights and squires who are judges of the tourney.
>And at the tourney there will be noble and rich prizes given by ladies and
>Moreover, I announce to all of you princes, lords, barons, knights and
>squires who intend to participate in the tourney that you must come to the
>inns the day before the day of the tourney, and display your arms at the
>windows, on pain of not being allowed to participate; and this I tell you
>on behalf of my lords the judges, so please excuse me.
>                                - O -
>Finally, a date and place have been selected for our behourdium according
>to René! The event is to take place at the fourth of July at Hörrs Nygård
>in Attemark (as indicated above). More details will follow.
>Hartmann Rogge, autocrat.

James and/or Nancy Gilly


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