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Re: This, that and the other thing

Poster: RowenRhys@aol.com

In a message dated 98-02-25 12:20:13 EST, nix@iolinc.net writes:

 Poster: nix@iolinc.net (N.  Malone)
 1. Courtesy is in the eye of the beholder. Act that you appreciate
 should be commented on, especially to the person in question. possibly
 rewarded. Rudeness should be ignored, hopefully it will go away.
 Occassionally rudeness may be a prerequist of the personna. In my
 personna's culture (mongol India) it is rude and dangerous to speak to a
 lady who is unescorted and to actually touch baggage she possess is
 beyond all manners. >>

This gentle has a good point regarding a built in avoidance (let's call it
that rather than rudeness) of women as dictated by one's persona.  Having
lived in modern India I have been the recipient of such avoidance (especially
at certain biological times) and viewed it as part of the culture in which I
had chosen to surround myself.  So if your persona's culture would dictate
that women are a pollution then I would say that your stance makes sense...the
only problem being that those around you may still view you as rude because
they do not understand your perspective.
I do disagreee with your comment that rudeness should be ignored because it
will hopefully go away.  This never happens!!  It only enforces the rude
behavior.  As a well-liked and much-respected teacher (among my students) I do
not tolerate any rude or disrespectful behavior to myself or anyone else and I
have received much commendation for my efforts.  I hope that others also do
their part to make this world more pleasant so that all can enjoy it.

Rowen ferch Rhys
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