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This, that and the other thing

Poster: nix@iolinc.net (N.  Malone)

1. Courtesy is in the eye of the beholder. Act that you appreciate
should be commented on, especially to the person in question. possibly
rewarded. Rudeness should be ignored, hopefully it will go away.
Occassionally rudeness may be a prerequist of the personna. In my
personna's culture (mongol India) it is rude and dangerous to speak to a
lady who is unescorted and to actually touch baggage she possess is
beyond all manners.
2. As to court, that is really a matter of the individual crown and
subject. Some are more formal some are less. I never carry a weapon into
court, I bow and will go to one knee but will not kneel to any ruler not
ordained by the gods, devine birth and such. And I have never found a
need to swear fealty to anyone. Occassionally an oath to uphold a
position or job but not personal fealty. I have been active on and off
(mostly on, as work allows) since 74 and have lived 90days or more in
what is now 9 kingdoms. I have seen more variations in manners and
courts than I can remember.

3.	I have been in Atlantia for a little over a year and it appears that
I will be here for at least 1 or two more. I usually go to events as a
merchant. As such, is their any interest in a merchant's guild? No
restrictions or judging but rather an information resource. Directoty of
wares for people looking for items. A listing of merchants and events
they plan to attend. Info and assisstance for autocrates dealing with
merchants, possible a mail responder or web page. MAybe a Better
business bureau sort of thing depends on what members want if their is
even any interest in such a guild. response to this issue may be private
since it seems offtopic for the merry rose.

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