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Fw: *WH* Gulf Wars VII - observations

Poster: "Jonathan Blackbow" <blackbow@sprynet.com>

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Blackbow <blackbow@sprynet.com>
To: merry rose <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
Cc: Windmasters Hill <windmasters@trinet.com>
Date: Monday, March 16, 1998 4:09 PM
Subject: *WH* Gulf Wars VII - observations

>Poster: "Jonathan Blackbow" <blackbow@sprynet.com>
>Attendance was estimated at somewhere over 5000.  People are camping where
>parking was last year, and Kings Arrow Ranch continues to clearcut more
>space.  They already instituted a primitive form of "land grab" this year.
>I sincerely hope in the future that somebody realizes that there is an
>limit of people that should be allowed on site simultaneously.  I like GW
>the way it is; I don't want another Pennsic.

[Editorial note:  it has been brought to my attention that while attendance
may have been estimated at somewhere over 5000, the bodies doing the
estimating were way off.  Attendance was reported as near 2700.  The
Editorial Staff sincerely regrets the error.

But get your hotel reservations in quick anyway. ;>]



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