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Re: Virginia Renaissance Faire dates and URL

Poster: "Maggie Fent" <mfent@erols.com>


Boy I am so glad to notice the VA Renn Faire will be going on so long, until
June!  I have to admit I am looking forward to attending Night on the Town
in Lochmere on April 25th.  For more info look at this:

Gabrielle de Carcassonne
aka Maggie

>The Virginia Renaissance Faire will be in operation from
>April 25th - June 7th, Saturdays, Sundays and Memorial Day.
>The location is just east of Fredericksburg, VA.
>Take I-95 to exit 130A, take Route 3 east, approximately 5 miles to
>the faire. Open rain or shine.
>The Maryland Faire will start August 29.
>http://www.rennfest.com/mrf/index.html   no phone at present.
>The Carolina Renaissance Faire will run from Oct. 4 through Nov. 16th.
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