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Re: E-Rage

Poster: "Kevin of Thornbury" <kevin@maxson.com>

Quoth Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net> ,

> Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
> I think that was an April Fool's gag. Wasn't it, Kevin?
> In service,
> Corun

I wish it was.

Looks like a new spammer has found his way to my mail server.  
Unfortunately, when you send mail to my server, if it has a bogus 
return address on it, my server appends its own domain name.  Nice, 

I'll need to fix that part at least, and then look into sendmail 

Sorry for all of the trouble, I'll do my best to block it.
|+^+|  Lord Kevin of Thornbury                      
|/+\|  Web Minister of Atlantia                
 \_/   kevin@maxson.com   http://www.atlantia.sca.org

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