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Re: their majesties

Poster: "Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie" <mariabeatriz.la.mora@mailexcite.com>

---My dear Brenna and others of the MErry Rose
(good name that Brenna...the most beautiful chil din the world,also known as Bambi's
worry, has the same name!)
when I joined the SCA, the most compeling reason to join was the belief in honor
and chivalry which seemed to bond all of us regardless of the outside world. 
I stayed because it not only became me family, but because this way of being with
each other seemed to bleed into our mundane lives and maed me proud to be a prt of
it regardless.
I have heard stories of people IN GARB (whe all you wanna do , honey is get home
without getting out of the car) stopping on the road for complete stragners having
car trouble and doing what needed to be done to help.
It is almost like we are the grown up version of the scouts. I cannot tell you the
depth of trouble I have been in that my fellow scadians haveliterally saved my child
and me from uttter disaster mundainly...and I attempt to do the same because chivalry
is the first rule for all of us...
HOw can we condenm anyone for taking care of something else before "the dream" when
"the dream" itself demands that we be giving , loving , protectors, of any we can
help. If all in the SCA are noble ,then nobless oblige.
To the Honor of Atlantia
In service to the Dream
Lady Maria Beatriz la Mora CoP

Dance for love
Love the dance
And date someone with massage experience!
c. Bambi;Annandale, VA 1997
>Poster: Brenna <sunnie@exis.net>
>My goodness!  So, now it's a crime to let your mundane life interfere
>with the dream....yes, the dream...we live a wonderful fantasy in the
>SCA.  It is a departure from the ugly, uncaring world we inhabit, but it
>is still a dream and sometimes we have to wake up.  If we were to
>condemn those who need to attend to something in the mundane world
>during a dream function, I would be judged amoung the guilty. 

>ill at work and needed relieved asap.  SO, sometimes 
(major cutting in the interest of space and time)
>Brenna of Lyonsbane
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