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Re: Rosewater recipe

Poster: Megan Burnham <lmegan@bellsouth.net>

Erica Stark wrote:
> Poster: "Erica Stark" <ejstark@hotmail.com>
> Megan wrote:
> >I grow my own for cooking because of it, and it also
> >adds a bit more on the "period" points in an A&S  competition.  Not 
> mention driving my neighbors crazy!!
> >
> >       If you'd like more info...e-mail me privately.
> >
> >Lady Megan Buchanan
> Yes, but do you use _modern_ cultivars, or ones from our period? (joke,
> joke, really...)
> On a slightly different subject, does anyone know of a rose that looks
> like the one on the heads of the angels in the Wilton Diptych? (The
> Cronicles of the Wars of the Roses has a photo of it on pp. 74-75, for
> those of you who also are Borders Books raiders)  The original flowers
> would have been Albas, Gallicas, or Damasks, but I wonder if there is a
> florabunda with a similar flower form?
> ______________________________________________________Erica....

I'm not familiar with the picture, but if you can find it on a website, 
I'll be happy to look at it and see what I can find in my rose books

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