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Bigger = better?

Poster: Jessica Rechtschaffer <jsrechts@email.unc.edu>

Quite frankly, I think events have just gotten too big.  I have found
smaller events tend to have more asthetically pleasing sites, better
feasts (not so many people to cook for) and just a more intimate feeling.

Therefore, I propose we dump that 150 mi. rule.  there is enough of a
population density to support 2 events within 150 mi.  Some groups like
Storvik and Windmasters have the population base to have two events on the
same day.  We can look at other kingdom practices and it seems to work for
them.  A case in point is East Kingdom.  I remember years back in the East
Kingdom the Baronies of Carolingia (Boston), Stonemarche (NH), Concordia
of the Snows (upstate NY), Beyond the Mountain (CT) and the shires of
Bergental (Western MA) and as I believe Quintavia (Central MA) all had
their Yule revel on the same day, same weekend, same event theme.  All
groups reported a good turnout at the Event and this during Christmas
season.  If they could do it, why not us?


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