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Re: A new idea perhaps?

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <longshipco@hotmail.com>

Baroness Catherine de Bellefleur wrote:
>I believe that one possible explanation may be that once a person has
>been given an award, the feeling is that a "lower" level award for a
>similar activity would not mean very much.  This is not necessarily
>true!!!   Awards do not need to be given in "ascending steps".

Hear, hear!!  (See, See!!?)

When considering people on the Pearl Polling "Do they have the Baronial 
A&S award?" is NOT a question that I ask myself.

Conversely, I hope the Baron/esses do not withhold a baronial award from 
a deserving person just because they have the corresponding Order of 
High Merit or a Peerage!

Mistress Bambi (Classic) recently received a much deserved Golden 
Dolphin.  Despite the fact she's had a Pelican for years.  Vivat!  Her 
service to Atlantia certainly merited recognition from our Kingdom.

When considering whether to write a letter of recommendation for 
someone, I advocate considering only hir fighting prowess, artistic 
skills, teaching skills, or their service.  And whom it is being done 
for (Barony or Kingdom). Not what other awards s/he might happen to have 
that 'disqualify' hir for the award being recommended.

The Order of Precedence for Atlantia has been webified and is available 
off the Kingdom web site (www.atlantia.sca.org).  I highly recommend 
checking it once in a while (or requesting a copy on disk or paper from 
the current Clerk of Precedence) for people whose 
fighting/art/service/teaching you have admired.  What awards people 
DON'T have is often an eye-opener.

And while you're there, make sure your own entry is correct!


Terry L. Neill                          Anarra Karlsdottir
The Longship Company, Ltd.              Bright Hills, Atlantia
www.wam.umd.edu/~eowyn/Longship/        Østvik Vikings

            It Takes a Viking to Raze a Village


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