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Greetings/Rose water/Period tunes

Poster: Kendra Rosenberg <ticorp@erols.com>

Health and Greetings unto all on the Meery Rose :)

I am new to the Rose list (so if I'm doing this wrong..apologies) and
kinda-sorta to the SCA proper.  I've been going to SCA events and
working at related festivities (proud surviving employee of MD Fest.
tornado '96) for quite some time, but have not "signed on officially". 
While my Pennsic group is a mix of SCA and non, and I love them dearly
and don't intend leaving, I would like to increase my personal
involvement. Currently, I reside in the Barony of Ponte Alto, but am
central enough to take advantage of many area events (Thanks to the
autocrats of Stierbach's Sunday Practices and Lochmere's Night on the
Town, who in true SCA fashion have made me feel both informed and
welcome). This is one of the reasons I took up with the SCA and I'm glad
to see it alive and well..back-pats all around :).  I "pirated" (yes, we
were) some persona history from my own family and find myself an early
13th c. Irish highwayman(person) from the Northwest coast area
(mundanely Malin More), though I may move to England..I hear Prince
John's looking for a mercenary or two. <grin>. Current interests are
music/dance (I have been told I can sing/harmonize...Music Major at one
point..I should), calligraphy, WATCHING heavy combat, archery, and
fencing (I recently purcahsed a rapier and think, to honorably maintain
highwayperson status, I should probabaly learn how to use it...pell for
rent here). While I happily embrace many SCA aspects, mostly, I just
like to get out and enjoy, and I have found the SCA offers just the mix
of intellect and fun I enjoy most.  I also like the community service in
persona aspect I see in many of the Baronies. Positive visibility is a
good thing.  I do have a few questions though.  I think I know the
answers, but since I have primarily been an observer, I'd like to be
sure (particularly since I have 2 friends who are completely
unfaimillar, but very intersted in the SCA, and I want their impressions
to be as favorable as mine have been). Please feel free to respond
privately since this is basic stuff probably everyone knows, and likely
not usefull to bandwidth: My e-mail is business (home to follow soon),
but I am the only recipient, so you can send anything you want. So, if
thou knowest, please: (1) what is on/off board (re: events)? (2) what is
"ni" and "ap" in a name? (3) how important are feast reservations? (I
ask because one of my playmates' job often only allows last minute
plans). (4) If you're REALLY (read REALLY) horrible (since your weapon
is new), but very enthusiastic :):)! is there somewhere/someone you can
go to get better? And now that I have bothered you with my questions,
perhaps I can offer some help in return:

Lady Bryn Ni MacRose posted a search for Rose water for St. Helena, SC.
I'm sure that others mundanely closer have given you assistance, but for
my 2 cents..I get mine from a local Mid-East shop, but from the label it
is "bottled for Cedar's Continental Trading, Inc., Nashville, TN."  If
they distribute up this far, mayhaps they go to your area as well. I'm
sorry there's no number, but maybe they have a w-site? 

Tracy Gilbert posted a request for period music.  While, I can't help
much, a wonderfully talented friend has a site under the name Alexander
the Lost (keywords AtheL, Pennsic or Dulcimer.com) with lots of links
and helpful info. I think there's an address for specifc questions. 

Well, thank you for allowing me to introduce myself, and with luck, I
shall become as immersed in the SCA as I am in my desire so to do.

In Service to the Society 
Ciereadwyn O'Morrigan (ni/ap/?) "Myrddin the Stewart" PonteAlto/Atlantia
Kendra Rosenberg 					Tysons, VA
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