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Special "Mitzvah"
Poster: "Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie" <mariabeatriz.la.mora@mailexcite.com>
Into the Popoulace of the Merry Rose
Greetings and Salutations.
I have an extra special favor to ask.
I am not an SCA officer, in fact at the moment I am not even a Paid cardholding member
( thought ) hope to change that in the next thrity days)
I am currently employed by Fairfax County Schools as an Instructional assistant with
special children...children who though bright and healthy, life has made unavailable
for learning from time to time.
I am teaching in the 5th grade till the end of the year and as you may know, fifth
grade is Medeival segment Grade.
The problem is these kids have been passed over a lot when the rest of the "regular
ed" kids have gotten the fancy displays and demos .
I have sent a request to my Barony, Ponte Alto< for a Demo but was told that they
do not plan daytime , week day demos because of peoples work schedules. This I understand...people
are busy saving up their vacation days for Pennsic and all the rest, but
It would really mean a lot to these kids to have their OWN special demo which they
could participate in and be proud of..and at least invite the REgular ed kids down
to participate in and have some pride.ONe teacher has expressed great interest in
working with intregrating this unit with our kids her regular ed kids...(finally)
We have not set a day but I told my boss I would give it one more crack and if nothing
else I would do as much as I could myself.
Some of you in the Northern Va area may not work days?
Some of you may have flexible hours? Some of you may have things you could lend like
garb for the teachers???(I have for most but one of them is 8 months pregnant...Houpeland
for a woman about 5'7"?) Anything you have to offer..from two guys in armor showing
fighting to perhaps a LARGE pavillion to ptich in the playground to have a snack
like a feast under,to a musical demo,to a heraldic antyhgi...PLease write me if you
have anything you would like to do.we would be so greatful and these are wonderful
Discression forbids my telling you a lot about them but thi is just what a lot of
these kid would need.
I am aiming perhaps for the firday afternoon before Memorial day week end or some
afternoon in that week.I figured if people were packed to go to emerald joust and
were going that way anyway they might be able to stop by after 12 and do maybe an
hour or two.
Thank you for at least reading this, and putting up with my bad typing.
Maria Beatriz la Mora
The school is in southern Springfield VA just off of 95
Dance for love
Love the dance
And date someone with massage experience!
c. Bambi;Annandale, VA 1997
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