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Re: Monies from events

Poster: DebSiobhan <DebSiobhan@aol.com>

Greetings and Salutations to one and all from Siobhan!

Efenwealt Wyslte writes:
<< My lady and I were just balancing our check book, and I would like beg the
 exchequers and autocrats of Atlantia to please deposit checks in a timely
 manner. Most folks are real good about this (as the money often needs to get
 into the account so that the check written to the site doesn't bounce).
 Sometimes, however, it takes 2-3 months for checks to be deposited. That's
 bad business. For example- a check from an event last December that just
 our bank last week.
 I'm not pointing fingers, and I don't want to hear explanations or excuses.
 just whining. >>

Allow me to add a little cheese to that!  Please, please get those checks
deposited in a reasonable time.  And while you're at it, cash those
reimbursement checks promptly too.  

If you are the autocrat of an event you should make a detailed list of what
checks and cash you have and then deposit it.  Yes you!  Anyone can make a
deposit to an account.  If you can make arrangements with the exchequer for
timely processing, fine.  Otherwise, call your exchequer and get the bank name
and account number and make the deposit yourself.  If one or both of you are
worried about an audit trail, photocopy all of the checks then deposit them.
Don't hold them 'just in case they want a refund'.  You can get your exchequer
to write them a refund check.

Thanks for allowing me the opening for another public service announcement.

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