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Red Falcon Armouries Website has moved

Poster: James & Melody Mahanna <jmmahanna@worldnet.att.net>

M'Lords and Ladies, 
        Red Falcon Armouries has moved to a new Web URL;
If you had a links to the previous RFA site, we would appreciate it
if you would please update them, as the old site is no longer online.
	If you have any difficulties, images that won't load, or links that
don't work, please feel free to e-mail to either
redfalcon@mindspring.com or jrm3@usa.net, and I will do my best to 
rectify the situation. 
Thank you.

RFA Web minister
Taliesin Goch & Morwenna De Malyns
Mka: James & Melody Mahanna	
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