The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Mon Jun 01 17:02:52 98
316 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
- Re: Crown Tourney,
duane moore (04/29/98)
- Re: Langley AFB Local Group??,
Krista Y Randall (04/30/98)
- A.S. XXXIII - Blwyddn Newdd Dda!,
Kevin Maxson (05/01/98)
- Golden Dolphin Herald: Announcements,
Dave Montuori (05/01/98)
- Golden Dolphin Herald: April internal results,
Dave Montuori (05/01/98)
- Re: Roll of Arms Competition (?),
Logan & Arielle (05/01/98)
- Re: Merlin - elements of the original legends,
Stephanie M. Thorson (05/01/98)
- Re: Mab,
einar (05/01/98)
- Re: Pay to Fight,
ginevra (05/01/98)
- Fwd: [TY] CANVAS FOR SALE (This is a merchanting ad of sorts),
Mariah Gaven de Andovere (05/01/98)
- Arthurian material goof,
Stephanie M. Thorson (05/01/98)
Cyddlian Downs Demo/MayFest,
Greg Prevost (05/01/98)
shaking bad habits,
jsrechts (05/01/98)
Marshal's announcement f,
Terry Buyers (05/01/98)
wedding music,
Lisa (05/02/98)
Re: Marshal's announceme,
Terry Buyers (05/02/98)
Has anybody heard yet????,
Megan Burnham (05/02/98)
Crown Results!,
Luther, Alaric (05/03/98)
Crown Tourney Entrants,
Jay R. Shaner (05/03/98)
Re: Marshal's announcement for the Jufe Acorn,
Acresouth (05/03/98)
Shire of Cathanar Rapier Workshop- Announcement and call for teachers,
Christoph Hintze (05/03/98)
Reservations going fast for Gypsies, Archers and Thieves event,
Kofryna the Goatherd (05/03/98)
Crown List,
Sean Cartwright (05/03/98)
Mariah Gaven de Andovere (05/04/98)
Boat Wars,
Nancy Davis (05/04/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Boat Wars,
Nancy Davis (05/13/98)
Crown - Thanks, heralds!,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (05/04/98)
Bryce, Ragnar and Caer Gelin,
Terry L. Neill (05/04/98)
Road to the Aisles,
Adrianna (05/04/98)
Reflections on Crown,
Alan MacNeill (05/04/98)
Period musical instruments,
Corun MacAnndra (05/05/98)
fencing stuff,
Becky McEllistrem (05/05/98)
Archery Classes,
Janine H Sutter (05/05/98)
RE: TONIGHT: Storvik/Roxbury Mill A&S night,
Peters, Rise J. (05/05/98)
Need Rapier MoL,
Robert Skidmore (05/05/98)
New Member.,
Ursula Joy (05/05/98)
Cancellation of Road to the Aisles,
The Problem (05/05/98)
Has he no shame?,
Logan & Arielle (05/06/98)
Trim Guy to attend Novice Tourney,
Steven Boyd (05/06/98)
Emerald Joust Hotel Deadline,
Terafan Greydragon (05/06/98)
Pennsic Choir,
Nancy Davis (05/06/98)
Cynthea Lee Rose (05/06/98)
No Subject,
Terry Palmore (05/07/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- No Subject,
Alana MacKenzie (05/10/98)
June 6 University Registration,
AtlantiaU (05/07/98)
Period Portraits,
Lisa Leedy (05/07/98)
[Windmasters] String Thing This weekend!,
Philip S. Dean (Scott) (05/07/98)
Boat Wars feast full,
Nancy Davis (05/07/98)
Period Portaits,
Cynthea Lee Rose (05/08/98)
Heraldry Questions,
Christopher Mark Faulcon (05/08/98)
The Red Tape,
Donald Wagner (05/08/98)
Oil Portrait of Knight and Lady,
Lisa Leedy (05/08/98)
Red Falcon Armouries Website has moved,
James & Melody Mahanna (05/08/98)
Re: Complete Anachonist Address Needed,
Heather Bryden (05/09/98)
mundane interferance,
james mohl (05/09/98)
Sacred Stone's Novice Tourney,
Logan & Arielle (05/10/98)
Statesville Newcomer,
Cynthea Lee Rose (05/11/98)
Becky McEllistrem (05/11/98)
Event Ideas,
Burt and Jen (05/11/98)
email address,
Burt and Jen (05/11/98)
raiding was (RE: Event Ideas),
Becky McEllistrem (05/11/98)
attn. auxillium teachers,
lord_rohern (05/11/98)
children's games,
mn13189 (05/11/98)
Re: University vs War Practice,
Greg Prevost (05/11/98)
event ideas,
james mohl (05/11/98)
Great showing for Atlantian Archers in East Kingdom,
Lorenzo (05/12/98)
Early instruments and music,
DC (05/12/98)
Medieval poetry ...,
Larsdatter, Karen (05/12/98)
What's happening in Italy? (fwd (fwd),
W. John Schiffermuller (05/12/98)
Archers -,
rmhowe (05/12/98)
A Song for Sir Kane,
Neal Townley (05/12/98)
Looking for Willem de Bruges,
Tom Bilodeau (05/12/98)
auxcillium change of location and flyer,
lord_rohern (05/12/98)
auxillium times and classes as of yet,
lord_rohern (05/12/98)
leather class at auxillium info,
lord_rohern (05/12/98)
Feast of St. Godiva,
ginevra (05/13/98)
missing herald's reports for 1st quarter,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (05/13/98)
Missing Herald,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (05/13/98)
Oldest authorized rapier?,
Erik Dutton (05/13/98)
scriptorium at Auxillium,
lord_rohern (05/13/98)
in search of Gryfth,
Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie (05/13/98)
pennsic land changes,
Pennsic Land Staff (05/13/98)
The Battle of Maldon,
The Davidsons (05/13/98)
Alana MacKenzie (05/13/98)
Coronation Lost and Found,
Yakgodess (05/13/98)
Question for Merchants at Feast of Thirty,
NestvMadoc (05/13/98)
Cambok! at Boat Wars,
Nancy Davis (05/14/98)
Proud of my Knight!!,
Donald Wagner (05/14/98)
Proud of my knight!,
Gina (05/14/98)
Washington Post,
Corun MacAnndra (05/14/98)
re Proud of my knight,
DC (05/14/98)
[Fwd: HELP!],
Franca Gorraz (05/15/98)
War Practice,
Terry L. Neill (05/15/98)
Principality News,
Beth Morris (05/15/98)
Stefan's files for June,
Mark.S Harris (05/15/98)
Looking for Anton of Winteroak,
Megan Burnham (05/15/98)
ADMIN: Upcoming Power Outage.,
Tanner Lovelace (05/15/98)
Family Motto Help,
alison rhodes (05/16/98)
War Practices and Assesment,
Jason & Shannon Smith (05/17/98)
Re: Sacred Stone Pennsic encampment,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (05/17/98)
Feast of the Thirty (Brief Review),
AEdric the Grene (05/17/98)
Boat wars thanks,
Nancy Davis (05/17/98)
Red tape comparisons:,
Phillip Jones (05/17/98)
Atlantian Geography,
Bob Minowicz (05/18/98)
A Song for the Royals...,
Neal Townley (05/18/98)
Some Games and stuff for children pages.,
rmhowe (05/18/98)
mn13189 (05/18/98)
Virginia Driscoll (05/19/98)
Syr Tancred's new address, etc.,
Phillip Jones (05/19/98)
In Memory of John Lefcort,
Genie Powell (05/19/98)
Pennsic XXVII Squire Tourney,
Logan & Arielle (05/19/98)
Fw: Family Motto Help,
alison rhodes (05/19/98)
Fw: Spend a Day Demo,
alison rhodes (05/19/98)
Emerald Joust Merchants,
Barclay, Deborah A. CPT (05/19/98)
25 New Merchants on SCA Merchants Row!,
L.A. Christie (05/19/98)
Would anybody be interested in.....,
ginevra (05/19/98)
Re: Fourth annual Rose Tour,
Rutlands (05/19/98)
Sad tidings,
SCA Vard (05/20/98)
Principality Issues -- Alan's Position,
Alan Smith (05/20/98)
Herald Support at Emerald Joust,
Barclay, Peter MAJ (05/20/98)
Red Falcon new URL address,
ginevra (05/20/98)
Auxillium / CHANGE OF LOCATION -----Northwest School of theArts,
lord_rohern (05/21/98)
Auxillium / -----Northwest School of theArts,
lord_rohern (05/21/98)
need a quote,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (05/21/98)
Need Quote - correction,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (05/21/98)
Heraldic Help,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (05/21/98)
Storvik's Baronial Birthday and Melee Practice, May 30-June 1,
Peters, Rise J. (05/21/98)
ISO Lady Alys...WHERE BE YE???,
Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie (05/21/98)
ISO VA Renfaire URL,
Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie (05/22/98)
hello, is this thing on?,
Luther, Alaric (05/23/98)
Statesville Demo,
Alana MacKenzie (05/24/98)
Memorial Day Weekend and Events,
rhiannonofberra (05/25/98)
RE: Mem. Day,
Robert Dawson,PA-C (05/25/98)
Re: Help,
Leslie Pletta (05/25/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Help,
Robert Dawson,PA-C (05/25/98)
- Re: Help,
EmberNAsh (05/26/98)
Upcoming event,
Chris Kackley (05/25/98)
Event, demo, and other SCA advertising,
Gunther von Lindenwald (05/25/98)
Pre Pennsic War Academy and Central Kingdom War Practice,
Gunther von Lindenwald (05/26/98)
[Chirurgeon]: Thomas Willeke <vytas@cyclone.Stanford.EDU>: warning: phone scam (fwd), (Eben L Kurtzman) (by way of Lady Elisabeth Erinn MacCabe ) (05/26/98)
Memorial Day,
Gina (05/26/98)
Re: Help (fwd),
Craig Levin (05/26/98)
Re: Memorial Day Weekend and Events Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII (fwd),
Stephanie M. Thorson (05/26/98)
Re: thnak you,
lp12546 (05/26/98)
ginevra (05/26/98)
Troublesome happening,
Nancy Davis (05/26/98)
Rowen and the VA Ren Faire,
RowenRhys (05/26/98)
Fw: Memorial Day,
MTR/AAHR (05/26/98)
[Fwd: Memorial Day],
lord_rohern (05/26/98)
dead horses make love not war,
LWright740 (05/26/98)
New Bern fighter practice 5/31,
Nancy Davis (05/26/98)
(no subject),
Megan Burnham (05/27/98)
Final Thoughts on Memorial Day from the AUTOCRAT,
Barclay, Peter MAJ (05/27/98)
Directions to Storvik's Baronial Birthday,
Peters, Rise J. (05/27/98)
Mabinogi(on), was Re: Help (fwd),
Stephanie M. Thorson (05/27/98)
A fitting tribute Fw: [Mid] Jafar's Star,
Louise Sugar (05/27/98)
Re help,
DC (05/27/98)
Fwd: [Fwd: COMING HOME],
Mariah Gaven de Andovere (05/27/98)
Janine H Sutter (05/27/98)
Mitzvah/Demo countdown,
Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie (05/27/98)
Barnacled Bullfrog Tavern,
Gunther von Lindenwald (05/27/98)
Fwd: Funeral Info for Dog,
Virginia Driscoll (05/28/98)
Re: h-costume address,
Lady Mariah Gaven de Andovere (05/28/98)
General politeness,
MTR/AAHR (05/28/98)
[Fwd: Fw: Virus ! ! ! ! !],
Megan Burnham (05/30/98)
Appoloigies for fowding Virus hoax....,
Megan Burnham (05/30/98)
Re: General Politeness,
Sherry Hintze (05/30/98)
Merchant Mailing List,
Meg (05/31/98)
Last Minute Changes to University Catalog,
AtlantiaU (05/31/98)
southern living....,
mn13189 (05/31/98)

The Merry Rose Archive