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ISO Lady Alys...WHERE BE YE???

Poster: "Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie" <mariabeatriz.la.mora@mailexcite.com>

Sarry to take up band witdth like this but LAdy Alys said she might help at my school next week end and then like the over worked, adult company starved, mush brain I am ...I lost her adress..can anyone help?
BTW, If ther is anyone who happens to have Friday afternoon free on the 29th of may and would like to play a little...we are having a little informal demo at my school, we have primarily ED kids...write me if you are interested.
And now back to your previously scheduled melee
Dance for love
Love the dance
And date someone with massage experience!
c. Bambi;Annandale, VA 1997

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