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A fitting tribute Fw: [Mid] Jafar's Star

Poster: "Louise Sugar" <dragonfyr@tycho.com>

Please forgive the bandwidth but I had to share this

-----Original Message-----
From: liz clark <freya@total.net>
To: sca-east@indra.com <sca-east@indra.com>
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 1998 7:46 AM
Subject: EK: [Mid] Jafar's Star

>-Poster: liz clark <freya@total.net>
>Lifted from the Ealdormere List
>>I'm sorry folks, I'm misting up on this one, but what a fitting tribute.
>>Oh, this was, once again, filched from the Middle Bridge.
>>>     Unto the gentles of the Bridge does Brent Woodson, Duke Dagan
>>>du Darregonne's personal herald (and protege) give greetings.
>>>     My Lords and Ladies, His Grace, Duke Dagan du Darregonne made a
>>>presentation to Her Majesty at Royal Court this weekend at Her Crown
>>>Tournament of a scroll.  I have been charged (and am greatly pleased)
>>>to relate the text of that scroll to those who were not present.
>>>     The presentation started with His Grace relating that one of the
>>>first gentles to make him feel welcome after his return to the Society
>>>(as well as become his great and valued friend) was Jafar al-Safa.
>>>His Grace cast about for a way to give tribute to this friendship, and
>>>finally accepted the suggestion of astronomers.
>>>     Here follows the text of the scroll:
>>>     "Know ye herewith that the International Star Registry doth
>>>     hereby redesignate star number Camelopardalis RA 4h 19m 50s
>>>     D 56 degrees 43 minutes to the name
>>>          Jafar al-Safa.
>>>     Know ye further that this star will henceforth be known by this
>>>     name.  This name is permanently filed in the Registry's vault
>>>     in Switzerland and recorded in a book which will be registered
>>>     in the Copyright Office of the United States of America."
>>>His Grace then stated that Jafar's name would always be known to the
>>>heavens, and we would have a star always visible to remind us of him.
>>>     In service to the Crown, and His Grace Duke Dagan, I am
>>>     Lord Brent Woodson
>>For Ealdormere,
>>Glorious as is,
>>Glorious as will be.
>>ICQ- 6416875
>>AOL IM - Valizan
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