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Final Thoughts on Memorial Day from the AUTOCRAT

Poster: "Barclay, Peter MAJ" <BarclayP@lee-dns1.ARMY.MIL>

Greetings from Master Terafan,

	Several thoughts about the Memorial Day issue ...( in no particular

1)  I checked with the Quartermaster Corps Historian, and that "memorial"
was originally designed as (and is still used as) a multi-purpose facility.
We have held somber ceremonies, light-hearted ceremonies,  concerts,
recitals, cake cuttings, picnics, receptions, weddings, promotions, and many
others activities in that facility.  At times the memorial plaques have been
obscured and hidden during these activities.  

2)  It was originally my intent to string a rope between light fixtures so
that royal banners might be hung.  In my all-too-imperfect world, I simply
never got it done.  

3)  I wish that I were as thoughtful, considerate, and wise as others who
could clearly see that someone might be offended.   I had the rope in my
pavilion and surely could have found 4 guys willing to put it up.  This
would have taken about 5 minutes.  All the blame (for offending anyone)
rests on the broad shoulders of the autocrat.  Unfortunately, the blame, for
not sharing their greater wisdom  with me about such sensitive issues, rests
with those who noticed and were offended yet remained silent.  

4)  The person who hung the banner intended no disrespect what-so-ever.
While I understand the point that it could be mis-construed as disrespect, I
feel that we need to look at the intent.  There-in lies the solution to
forgiveness.  The banner hanger has apologized.  It is now up to those who
were offended to understand and provide forgiveness.  

5)  As was earlier pointed out, the memorial itself is a memorial to a UNIT,
not a specific group of dead, and certainly no named individuals.  The
memorial is a "living memorial" designed to be multi-functional, and ever

6)  Prior to the first fighter ever putting stuff under the memorial, His
Highness Anton, questioned me about whether or not we would be showing
disrespect by using it in that fashion.  My answer to him was "No".  Perhaps
by using the facility, someone would read it, and become a little wiser
about the role of logisticians, and specifically the 1st Logistical Command,
in various wars.   Perhaps once it was covered up, someone said, "I wonder
what that plaque said..." and they bothered to read it.  If even one person
read the plaque, then its role was served, because many days go by when no
one even stops to see what it says.  I know because I work in that building
next to the field.  I know because I have deployed with the 1st Logistical

I am truly sorry that anyone was offended because I failed to get something
done.  I am even more sorry that no one felt that I could have immediately
changed it by pointing it out to me.   

                                        Peter / Terafan

MAJ Peter C. Barclay / Master Terafan Greydragon 
Automation Support Officer, Webmaster, Network Manager, etc.
US Army Quartermaster Center & School
DSN 687-4355    Comm (804) 734-4355

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