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RE: Early instruments and music

Poster: "Robyyan Torr d'Elandris" <robyyan@mindspring.com>

> >Does anyone have either a web page or contact for a company in North
> >Carolina called Kelishek's music (this spelling is probably incorrect)? I'd
> >love to get their catalogs for music.
> http://www.kelhorn.com/

That's the old one, may not be working any more.  You'll have better 
luck at

Their address and phone number are also on my music page,
 Robyyan Torr d'Elandris                          Dennis R. Sherman
 Kapellenberg, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia          Chapel Hill, NC
 robyyan@mindspring.com          http://robyyan.home.mindspring.com
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