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Re: Marshal's announcement f

Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>

Terry Buyers wrote:

> Poster: terry_buyers@catbox.win.net (Terry Buyers)
> J(>
> J(>I would like comments on the following question, How long should
> J(>we
> J(>allow someone to use their previous authorization card after they
> J(>move
> J(>into Atlantia from another kingdom?
> J(>

Just a few corrections

> Ummm.... forever? Why should an authorization card ever expire unless it is
> revoked for cause? As I understand it, membership is required for insurance
> reasons, so a lapsed membership should put authorization on 'hold' rather than
> revoking it.

The question here is how long until we require that fighter to show that he/she
understands how to do it in Atlantia.  Being familiar with the fighting
conventions in one kingdom doesn't make you familiar with them all.
Membership is not required for insurance purposes, membership was required to
assist the MoL's office.

> As I understand fighter authorization, it is not a matter of how good you are,
> but are you good enough to not be a hazard to yourself or others in typical
> situations. This should not change unless there is a personality change. Dane
> Brammage? 8-) Then again, I've seen some authorizations where the 'trained'
> fighter went out of their way to show how little the newer fighter knew,
> rather than letting them show just how much they did know.

Well almost.  When a fighter goes out for a weapon and shield (the safest form)
authorization all we really look for is whether or not that fighter is safe, and
that he understands the rules.  Now when it comes to all other weapons forms we
look for a good command of that weapons form.  The fighter must show skill and
proficiency with that weapon.  If not, and we let a fighter on the field with, for
instance, a greatsword (potentially a very dangerous weapon) and no clue on how to
use it, the risk of injury would be extremely high.  I certainly hope that you
have not signed off on someone's poleweapon authorization simply because you felt
they were safe although they didn't really know the weapon.  Simply "good enough
to not be a hazard to yourself or others in typical situations" is pretty close
but I don't think it's quite there.

> One who is good at the physical side of fighting (and some other 'simple'
> stuff) becomes a belted fighter. Is this then to be revoked due to age or
> infirmity? Will all awards go away with a move or a lapse of membership?

Now I am not sure just what the above statement is supposed to mean.  If you
believe that to become a "belted" (Knight?) fighter requires that one be "good at
the physical side of fighting and some other 'simple' stuff", then you really have
no clue.  I wish you all the luck in your endeavors but would suggest that you
find out a little more about subjects prior to speaking on them.

As to the second part of your last statement:
Again you need to understand something before you speak.  Knighthood is not an
"award", it is simply the recognition of someone who has proven himself to possess
the qualities of a Knight.  I am not about to start a discussion via e-mail as to
what those qualities are.  You can't revoke the recognition of who someone is.
Same thing goes for awards.  If a person has done the service to have earned an
Award of Arms, and it has been granted by the Crown, then that person is
nobility.  That person has been recognized as a "noble person".  That can not be
taken away from them (barring a banishment).

Duke Logan

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