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Re: Mab

Poster: Mike Dullaghan <michael.f.dullaghan@adn.alcatel.com>

On 01-May-98 einar wrote:
>Poster: einar@cvn.net (einar)
>At 10:35 PM 4/30/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>Poster: "Brett W. McCoy" <bmccoy@lan2wan.com>
>>On Thu, 30 Apr 1998, Susan and Ken Reed wrote:
>>Does Mab or Mabh have any connection with the Queen Maeve of Connacht?
>*That's* where I'd heard the name!  Yes, that is the connection.  Mab, the
>watered down Faerie Queen, derives from the Irish queen (some say goddess).
> I had replied (quite vaguely, though) to the original query privately that
>I believed it to be of Irish origin.  That being the case, you'll never
>find her in the Mabinogi.  Thanks for jogging my memory, Istvan.
>Batman, why aren't you weighing in on this one?  I *know* you've got the
>books on this.

Because I haven't had time to look at the books this week. I'm doing
the design for a new set of tools that have to look like the existing
product, co-operate with the existing product when installed together
on the same platform, but can't use any of the support libraries from
the existing product.

Besides the discussion (including by those who have much better
libraries than mine) has followed my vague memories.

   1) The specific name "Mab" is comparatively modern (Shakespearian).

   2) Many scholars over the years have felt that the name (although
      not much else) could very well be based on Maeve/Medb of

Michael the Eclectic, House Falconguard, Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia.
Vert, on an inverted chevron or, a reremouse(bat) displayed sable.

Armed man = citizen.  Unarmed man = subject.

Of course these are MY opinions! Whattya think, my EMPLOYER
could've thought this stuff up?
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