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Cyddlian Downs Demo/MayFest
Poster: Greg Prevost <gregp@ix.netcom.com>
Unto the good gentles of the Merry Rose,
Sir Ælfred of Cres sends greetings. Next weekend the Canton of
Cydllain Downs is hosting a demo at Columbia's Annual May Fest (May
2-3). This represents an opportunity for us to showcase the SCA to a
sizable portion of the cities population. It is also the first time in
several years that the City of Columbia has been willing to give us
space to set up for the entire weekend.
This posting is a request, to any of you that might have the time, to
help put represent the SCA in a favorable light to many people who know
little or nothing about us. The demo will run from 11:00 A.M to 5:00
P.M. on Saturday and Sunday. A limited amount of crash space is
Please contact either Lord Janos at (803) 356-9519 (gregp@ix.netcom.com)
or myself at (803) 561-9012 (ttoich@spider.sc.edu) if you are
interested. Thank you for your time.
Ælfred of Cres
For those who would like to come here are directions.
Ok, the demo is at Finley park in Downtown Columbia. Take you best
route to I-126 into Columbia, (it is a spur off of I-26) Take I-126
till the highway ends and the road becomes Elmwood avenue. Go about
4 blocks and turn right onto Assembly. (Major road) Go about 5 blocks
(you will pass Laurel St and and the Main Post Office) Turn right after
the post office onto Taylor St. Finley Park will be on your right, at
the bottom of the hill. To find us, you will see a small stage at the
entrance to the park, right across from that stage is the lake (pond).
If you go straight towards the lake from the stage you will find us in
front of the lake.
Parking: If you have trouble finding parking there are parking garages
back up on Assembly St.
Find a place to park (good luck!), then find us, then you can bring the
car by and we can help you unload if necessary.
In Service
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