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Mariah Gaven de Andovere (MKA Keri-Lynn Brown)

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Hello to All!!

Only recently did I subscribe to the Merry Rose and I have enjoyed being
here. Originally I am from Atlantia and I am currently in Meridies
lonely and missing home. I have been gone for three years and I'm ready
to return!! I will be returning to the Tidewater area and we need help
particularly with the job search. I did get a couple responses from my
first plea and thank-you to all. The biggest help was the reference to
the Virginia Pilot online. I have an interview on Friday. Shortly after
my plea for help my computer crashed so I may not have received other
suggestions. I contacted the friends I have remaining in Marinus to keep
their ears open for us. Anyone else that could help would be wonderful.
Thank-you in advance to all of my wonderful friends in Atlantia.

Lady Mariah Gaven de Andovere
A displaced Atlantian

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