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Re: Memorial Day Weekend and Events

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

At 09:08 PM 5/25/98 EDT, Beiskaldi wrote:
>Poster: Beiskaldi <Beiskaldi@aol.com>
>  My lady, I have noticed this sort of thing happening numerous
times, but
>with a different slant--covering up of Christian decorations,
especially in
>church halls, so as not to offend pagans attending (regardless of
>christians, jewish, islam, etc).   

I've never seen it as trying to cover up Christian decorations (or in
the instance that started out this thread, military decorations).  

I see it as trying to cover up *mundane* decorations, to try to bring
out better the illusion that we are in a medieval Great Hall, rather
than a church basement/armory/firehall/whatever.

A cheerful bulletin board about the church's children's program (or
the Coke machine) is not covered up because it is offensive, but
because it is distracting.

Lady Alanna Volchevo Lesa
Partan Herald, Barony of Lochmere
Laurel Minion
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