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Pennsic Reg. Deadline

Poster: ASmith@psc.dhhs.gov (Alan Smith)

     The below message is forwarded from the Pennsic 27 Info Autocrat; 
     please cross-post, re-post, and otherwise share with as many folks as 
     -- Alan Gravesend

Your Excellency,
I am sending you the attached announcement in the hopes that, if your kingdom 
has an e-mail mailing list, you might post it there or somehow get it across 
to as many people as possible.
Thank you!
Baroness Mairi ni Raghaillaigh, Information Deputy - Pennsic 27
Greetings, good gentles all.
Duchess Sedalia, this year's Pennsic autocrat, has just returned from a 
meeting out at Coopers Lake Campground.
While we cannot say that the deadline for pre-registration has been extended 
to a specific later cut-off date, we can tell you that the Coopers Lake 
at least another week, if not longer.  Pre-registrations from outside of the 
U.S.A. (i.e., Canada) will probably be accepted for longer than that.
Please continue to send the pre-registrations in if you have not already and 
do not worry about trying to overnight them.  If you need a form, send an e- 
mail message to Pennsic27@aol.com with your U.S. Postal address and one will 
be sent to you.
Next year's pre-registration form will be included in this year's on-site 
booklet (although no pre-registrations will be processed until January 1, 
1999).  Hopefully this will ease next year's pre-reg. form crunch.
Baroness Mairi ni Raghaillaigh, Information Deputy - Pennsic 27
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