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Re: Problems??

Poster: Tanner Lovelace <lovelace@acm.org>

On Tue, 9 Jun 1998, Corun MacAnndra wrote:

> I'm not seeing two messages except from those people who reply to me
> directly and cc: the Merry Rose. Since the mailing list is set up to
> only send replies to the original poster of a given note (rantrantrant)
> people don't change their headers to respond to the list for one reason
> or another. So they just respond to the poster and also copy the list
> causing two iterations of the same note to end up in someone's mailbox.
> Unfortunately this is Bad Netiquette. I would personally appreciate it
> if those responding to my posts either respond only to me or only to
> the list. Mailing lists should be set up to reply only to the list, but
> we've been down this road before. The Rose and the P-list are the only
> two mailing lists I've ever encountered in years of internet mailing
> that have this backwards.

That's interesting, Corun, because in my experience it's been about
50/50 both ways.  But, as you say, "we've been down this road before"
and I personally don't think it's a good thing to rock the boat
right now.

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Lord Kendrick Wayfarer
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